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Education: K – 12

Sustainability Education Program for Elementary and Middle School Students

Helping students and parents build an understanding that we’re all responsible for our planet.

This course covering human health, climate change, global resource constraints, and animal welfare is based on the NGSS, Common Core and CASEL competencies standards.


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EVERFI is dedicated to helping organizations tackle intractable social issues by providing the missing layer of education. EVERFI leverages the combined power of their platform, people, and partner networks--like ELB Learning--to make sure learners have the tools and skills to drive ecosystems of change and inspire lifelong success.


Sustainability is an online course dedicated to allowing students to envision the world they’d like to live in and determine what they can do to move in that direction.

Strategy & Solution

This course covers topics such as human health, climate change, global resource constraints, and animal welfare. It’s specifically designed for upper elementary and middle school grades and presents content to build an understanding that we’re all responsible for our planet.

Here is the course flow:

  1. Introduction to the topic and connection to the overarching theme
  2. Pre-assessment questions
  3. A series of interactive pages that allow for learners to explore concepts related to Earth, biodiversity, and the laws and principles that apply to keeping up with Earth’s life support systems
  4. The Keystone Activity where students are asked to design their ideal place. As they design this place, they’ll learn more about each of the laws and principles they learned in previous pages and how each are interconnected when it comes to creating a healthy world
  5. And finally the Course Conclusion – students are asked to create a social contract for their community to address lost pollinators, plastic overload, rising smog levels, and the changing climate

This course also includes a Glossary of terms acquired throughout the course, which is present throughout the module as the terms present themselves within the content.

The Sustainability course is based on the NGSS, Common Core, and CASEL competencies standards.

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