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Raising Awareness of Mental Health as a Priority

Using custom learning to empower learners to take care of their mental health.

Because each learner has varied experiences, cultural backgrounds, and knowledge that may inform their understanding of mental health and wellness, the course focuses on the following goals to address all learners.


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The Mental Wellness Basics aims to raise awareness that mental health is just as important as physical health and empower learners to take care of their mental health.

Strategy & Solution

The course comprises six online modules, including topics on mental health and how learners can implement coping strategies to manage their challenging thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Learners will also learn how to support friends and family who may be struggling, recognize when to seek help, and access appropriate resources to do so.

Because each learner has varied experiences, cultural backgrounds, and knowledge that may inform their understanding of mental health and wellness, the course focuses on the following goals to address all learners:

  • To provide learners with an improved understanding of how mental health impacts them and others
  • To help learners combat stigma through some approaches that focus on changing mindsets, increasing empathy, and reducing isolation
  • To equip learners with self-help strategies and improved understanding of how to identify and minimize risks for worsening mental health
  • To empower learners to act as an advocate for themselves and others

Additionally, the course offers teacher support to help teachers initiate, guide, and navigate difficult conversations around learners’ mental health wellness. Teachers are encouraged to extend online modules with remote/in-person lessons, discussion prompts, and individual/group activities.


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