Case Studies
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Education: K – 12

Plants, Animals, and Our World Education Program for Elementary and Middle School Students

Helping students learn how to protect our environment and our future.

Learners will explore the interconnectedness of environmental systems and how to make informed decisions to improve the health of those systems.


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EVERFI is dedicated to helping organizations tackle intractable social issues by providing the missing layer of education. EVERFI leverages the combined power of their platform, people, and partner networks--like ELB Learning--to make sure learners have the tools and skills to drive ecosystems of change and inspire lifelong success.


Our world is made up on interconnected systems, depend on each other to stay healthy. It's essential to understand how human health, climate change, global resource constraints, and animal welfare, are all interconnected, and how we can ensure all those factors are protected for the longterm.

Strategy & Solution

This course includes four modules and covers topics like sustaining global resources, protecting healthy biodiversity, positively curbing climate change, and innovating for a healthy life.

Here is the course flow:

  1. Course introduction – exploring the core information learners need preceding the course
  2. A Pre-assessment
  3. A series of interactive pages and activities that allow for learners to explore concepts related to human health, climate change, global resource constraints, and biodiversity
  4. Making Your Pledge – students choose action items they resonate with most to take part in building momentum for small changes on a community level
  5. Conclusion and Post-assessment

After taking this course, students will walk away with an understanding that every choice we make impacts others. Learners will explore the interconnectedness of environmental systems and how to make informed decisions to improve the health of those systems.

This course also includes a Glossary of terms acquired throughout the course, which is present throughout the module as the terms present themselves within the content.

The Sustainability Foundations: Plants, Animals, and Our World course is based on the NGSS, Common Core, and CASEL competencies standards.

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