[Rehearsal] was so easy! I could record from wherever I was and get feedback right away.
— Victoria Allen, Financial Representative
Modern Woodmen
We chose CenarioVR for its ease of authoring and the ability to rapidly prototype and develop a fully robust immersive multi-platform VR experience.
— Michael Getz, President
Illumina Interactive, Inc.
I used the Match game to increase training retention on a long training rollout and the people who played the game scored 21% better on the post test than those who didn’t.
— Amy Chapman
PPD, Inc.
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Digital Game-based Training for Healthcare Professionals

How Boiron energized traditional training for their manufacturing and distribution needs.
The Training Arcade
Digital Game Development
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Game-based Learning for Remote Training Opportunities

How microlearning games created on The Training Arcade®, and Arcades™ kept Michigan State University learners engaged and motivated.
The Training Arcade
Education: Higher Ed
Employee Onboarding
Michigan State University (MSU)
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Raising RSV Awareness Through a Custom Gamified Learning Experience

How CHEST is utilizing a classic mystery “whodunit” gamified experience to increase awareness and understanding of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Custom Game
Physician Training
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Barclaycard Drives Learning and Fun With Training Games

How gamification increased product knowledge and proved knowledge retention
The Training Arcade
Financial Services
Product Training
Barclaycard/Product Training Games