[Rehearsal] was so easy! I could record from wherever I was and get feedback right away.
— Victoria Allen, Financial Representative
Modern Woodmen
We chose CenarioVR for its ease of authoring and the ability to rapidly prototype and develop a fully robust immersive multi-platform VR experience.
— Michael Getz, President
Illumina Interactive, Inc.
I used the Match game to increase training retention on a long training rollout and the people who played the game scored 21% better on the post test than those who didn’t.
— Amy Chapman
PPD, Inc.
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Off-The-Shelf Courseware Pricing

How Much Does Off-The-Shelf Courseware Cost?

Looking for a quick, affordable way to deliver essential training topics?

Off-the-shelf courseware is the answer.

Building your own eLearning course can easily take up to 80 hours of development time—for just ONE interactive course. Save your team the cost of all those development hours and choose an off-the-shelf library that fits your training needs and is ready for immediate deployment.

Plus, many off-the-shelf courseware providers continuously curate and update their course catalogs, so you know you’re always getting the latest content without having to make any edits yourself or buy new courses.

Typical Off-The-Shelf Course Pricing

Off-the-shelf courses are generally offered in comprehensive catalogs covering broad topics like soft skills or professional development. You might also see them referred to as “libraries” or “curriculum.”

Pricing for pre-built training is generally done on an annual per-learner basis, with volume discounts. You may be able to save even more by bundling multiple course libraries or seeing what content is available with your learning management system.