[Rehearsal] was so easy! I could record from wherever I was and get feedback right away.
— Victoria Allen, Financial Representative
Modern Woodmen
We chose CenarioVR for its ease of authoring and the ability to rapidly prototype and develop a fully robust immersive multi-platform VR experience.
— Michael Getz, President
Illumina Interactive, Inc.
I used the Match game to increase training retention on a long training rollout and the people who played the game scored 21% better on the post test than those who didn’t.
— Amy Chapman
PPD, Inc.
Case Studies
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Adobe: Elemental Selling

We are so very pleased each time our partners at Adobe invite us to collaborate with them to showcase what their new versions of the Adobe Captivate tool can offer to customers. Our experience in designing the demo course for the Captivate 9 release in 2015 was no different. The challenge? To come up with a sales-based course concept and associated content that would allow a course design that could showcase the best of what the tool had to offer and all its new features. Challenge accepted and achieved.