Custom Solutions Showcase
Adobe: Elemental Selling
We are so very pleased each time our partners at Adobe invite us to collaborate with them to showcase what their new versions of the Adobe Captivate tool can offer to customers. Our experience in designing the demo course for the Captivate 9 release in 2015 was no different. The challenge? To come up with a sales-based course concept and associated content that would allow a course design that could showcase the best of what the tool had to offer and all its new features. Challenge accepted and achieved.
Fender Academy
Like guitars? Check out this ripping demo we did for Fender guitars. You’ll never look at guitars the same again.
MetaMythic: CIP Defender
Everyone in the utility industry dreads annual security training required for compliance with government regulations. Employees find the material bland and the enemies abstract and faceless. CIP Defender solves this problem by immersing learners in a story where they are the hero. By operating an eLearning battle simulator, they protect their facilities against attack from nefarious enemies. Engagement, understanding, and retention get cranked to 11.
Ever wonder how Amazon works to ensure customer trust at their fulfillment centers? Whether it’s making sure only authorized people are allowed into the facility, or the following the proper protocol with customer information, learners get to know the best practices of fulfillment center security and how to keep Amazon data secure.
PayPal: Safe Travel
How can PayPal employees ensure they make the right decisions when it comes to their business travel? This fun, informational video introduces PayPal employees to resources for all of their needs while they’re away from the office. Everything from information about the destination, security, medical, and emergency assistance for employees can be found on PayPal Travel Safe.